How We Grew TextSanity’s Organic Traffic and Helped Them Gain +195% More Registrations in 1 Year



Increase in Registration Completions


Increase in Unique Monthly Visitors


Increase in Organic Clicks

The Challenge

TextSanity’s industry (SMS Marketing) is extremely niched, with the vast majority of target keywords having very low search volumes.

Many SEO titles were too long and numerous images were missing alt texts on their existing content. Their core web vitals metrics were much lower than competitors, which proved another challenge for GR0 to help them overcome.

The Strategy

Our content strategy focused on high-quality traffic rather than sheer volume. We optimized all of the SEO titles and image alt texts in addition to other on-page optimizations. ‍

We mapped out their redirects, identified errors across the site, updated imagery, added more content into strategic places, structured mark-up data for their video pages, and offered other technical & on-page work to ensure the migration was pushed with as few problems as possible.‍

We also helped improve their core web vitals, finally getting them in the green for all metrics. The plugin for WordPress called “NitroPak” was the final step, and made a huge quantifiable difference in their organic performance.

+209% Improvement in Organic Traffic

Key Takeaways

When it comes to keyword research, it’s not all about search volumes. Understanding the search intent and targeting relevancy over volume is what drives meaningful, qualified traffic, even for niche businesses.

To own a niche, you need content, links, and technical SEO.

Good Core Web Vitals & site performance scores directly translate to improved user experiences, and consequently, more qualified traffic.


Case Studies
