How We Established fatty15 as the Go-To Source for C15 and Increased Their Monthly Organic Revenue 5x Over 15 Months



Increase in Monthly Direct Organic Revenue


Increase in Top 10 Keywords


Increase in Non-Branded Organic Traffic

The Challenge

fatty15 came to us at the start of their business with almost no organic presence whatsoever. ‍

They wanted to become the authority on C15 and provide thought leadership in the space. This was a new product in an emerging market, and they wanted to position themselves as industry leaders.

The Strategy

E-E-A-T was key to fatty15’s success. We focused on building their authority and expertise as a scientific authority on C15, as well as creating content in relevant topic clusters (longevity, healthy aging, etc.)‍

We created more than 100 unique pieces of content, which generate hundreds of thousands of impressions every month. Each piece of this content was medically reviewed by an industry expert — and we clearly showed this to Google. ‍

Within this content, we added strategic links to their key product pages, helping them own their core term, “C15”.‍

We also built high-authority external links targeting these pages, which, combined with our content efforts and on-page optimizations, led to a direct increase in organic revenue.

5x increase in monthly organic revenue

Key Takeaways

Quality, expert-reviewed content is crucial in Health & Wellness.

To own a niche, you need content, links, and technical SEO.

Building content helps you rank for revenue-driving product pages — it just takes time and commitment.


Case Studies
