How GR0 Grew Agent Nateur’s Revenue in Performance Max 550% While Maintaining a 7x ROAS in Just Six Months



Increase in ROAS


Increase in Promo Performance


Increase in Net New Customers

The Challenge

Previously, Agent Nateur relied on a freelancer to handle their digital marketing campaigns but found limitations in achieving their desired growth and market visibility. The primary challenges included inconsistent brand messaging, under-optimized campaigns, and missed opportunities to retarget potential customers. Their goals in working with us were to scale their digital marketing efforts with a comprehensive strategy, increase revenue, improve brand positioning through optimized ad campaigns, and better capture customers across various channels. They sought consistent performance growth while maximizing their ROAS.

The Strategy

To increase brand visibility, the client utilized several tactics to enhance paid search efforts. They launched their product feed on Datafeedwatch, which allowed for the rapid and efficient creation of tailored product titles and descriptions, as well as facilitated the testing of lifestyle images. Custom labels set up via Datafeedwatch also enabled the segmentation of Performance Max campaigns by product type.‍

Performance Max asset groups were further segmented by product type, allowing for the creation of customized ad copy, creative assets, custom labels, and audience targeting tailored specifically for high-intent buyers. For example, a beauty supplements asset group was created with copy, visuals, and audiences specifically targeted towards potential beauty supplement purchasers. This strategy ensured that 85% of the budget was effectively allocated to Performance Max campaigns.‍

In November 2023, a display remarketing campaign was launched to capture previous visitors who hadn't yet made a purchase. The campaign generated 70 conversions, $23,000 in revenue, and a 4x ROAS, with only 5% of the budget allocated to remarketing.‍

Since the Agent Nateur brand is also sold through major retailers, a 15% introductory offer was implemented in their shopping feed to encourage direct purchases through the brand's website rather than through third-party sellers like Revolve or Dermstore. This incentive made the brand competitive with other retailers and helped increase CTR within Performance Max listing groups.


During a sitewide % discount promotion, our approach gained remarkable results despite initial constraints on additional spend. We strategically launched catalog ads, static images, and video assets to maximize impact.‍

Within the first day of launch, these ads achieved an impressive 19x ROAS and a 22% conversion rate. This success extended beyond the specific ads, with the entire account experiencing a substantial lift to a 47x ROAS and a 107% CVR.‍

With allocation of additional budget, our ads maintained strong performance, achieving a 20x ROAS and a 29% CVR. Overall, during this promotional period, the account achieved a remarkable 38x ROAS and a 90% CVR, showcasing the effectiveness of our tailored strategies in maximizing ROI and engagement.‍

A strategic focus on TOF campaigns drove significant growth in net new customers for Agent Nateur. Analysis of three specific ASC campaigns revealed that 70% of the budget allocated to these campaigns contributed to acquiring new customers, resulting in 115% increase in revenue. Despite averaging approximately $100 per day in spending, these campaigns delivered close to a 10x ROAS, surpassing the monthly average. This performance shows the scalability and effectiveness of our TOF campaigns in expanding Agent Nateur's customer base while ensuring a high return on investment.

Proven Success

Our strategic approach proved highly effective as we scaled Agent Nateur's overall revenue while maintaining a ROAS of 7x through the Performance Max campaign. By optimizing the shopping feed titles, segmenting products within asset groups, and creating tailored ad copy and creative, we ensured that the campaign reached high-intent audiences. This combination of techniques maximized the impact of Performance Max, leading to consistent growth while retaining profitability. The strategy also allowed us to capture both branded and non-branded search traffic, further expanding their customer base and reinforcing brand loyalty.

Key Takeaways

Stay competitive with your retailers by implementing various strategies, such as optimizing your product feed, offering introductory promotions via Merchant Center, and increasing the paid search campaign budget.

Proper setup of Performance Max and the shopping feed is crucial. Shifting the budget from brand search campaigns to Performance Max ensures a more effective allocation because Performance Max can attract both branded and non-branded search queries. To achieve best results, this approach requires support across search, shopping, display, YouTube, and discovery channels.

Don't underestimate the power of remarketing. Abandoned carts and site visitors who don't complete checkout lead to lost revenue, but even with a small budget, remarketing can help recapture that extra revenue.


Case Studies
