How GR0 Boosted 4moms' Revenue by 60% with a Game-Changing Paid Social Strategy



Higher ROAS with the same spend - From 2.16x in March to 2.89x in May


Increase in purchases - From 488 in March to 856 in April


Revenue increase to $139k in May.

The Problem

4moms, a standout brand in baby gear innovation, faced a critical challenge: their paid channels were struggling to hit the target with a consistent ROAS. Their previous strategy was heavily reliant on repurposing the same creative across all funnel stages, leading to a lack of engagement and missed opportunities. Audience targeting was inconsistent, with gaps in funnel coverage, and they lacked a cohesive strategy to boost conversion rates and enhance creative variance. Their goal was straightforward: achieve a 2x ROAS on their paid channels with a fresh perspective and strategic overhaul.

Our Services

• Paid Social
• Meta
• TikTok
• Creative
• Paid Search

Our Strategy

To tackle 4moms' challenges, we rolled out GR0's creative package, which included eight videos and six static images per month (edit only). This allowed us to quickly introduce new creative tailored to specific audience segments. Collaborating closely with the creative team, we identified and leaned into high-performing styles while filling gaps with new tests. We focused on videos for traffic and top-of-funnel (TOF) campaigns, using static images for retargeting and bottom-of-funnel (BOF) efforts, including weekend promotions.

We cleaned up audience exclusions for consistency and shifted to ad set-level budgeting, enabling equal spend distribution to identify top-performing audiences. Starting two weeks before a major product launch, we targeted lead generation ads and built an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign (ASC) that remains a top performer. Additionally, we launched an evergreen middle-of-funnel (MOF) campaign to maintain continuous engagement with core audiences, beyond just launch and promo ads.


Launched an evergreen MOF campaign, maintaining consistent engagement with audiences about all products, not just specific launches or promotions.

• Implemented LAL for TOF, Advantage+ audiences, and retargeting based on lead gen form openers. We set up ASC campaigns to ensure we were always reaching the right audience with the right message.

• Shifted to audience-level budgeting, making sure all target segments got equal spend, revealing top performers across the board

Our Results

• From 2.16x in March to 2.89x in May, achieving a 33% higher ROAS with the same spend.

Revenue jumped from $107.4k in March to $172.6k in April, and a 30% increase to $139k in May.

Purchases went up 75% — From 488 in March to 856 in April.

• Achieved a 3.98x ROAS in the first month post-launch, driving 45% of Meta revenue for April.

Impact Highlights

The standout achievement in our campaign for 4moms was how we reinvented their paid social approach. By constantly refreshing and tailoring creative content, we significantly enhanced engagement and efficiency. This strategy led to a 60% revenue increase and a remarkable 3.98x ROAS during a major product launch.

Proven Success

Our creative-first approach led to remarkable growth for 4moms. By fine-tuning their strategy with fresh, targeted creatives, we significantly boosted their ROAS and overall revenue. We streamlined their audience targeting, making sure that each ad set was optimized for performance. The results were clear: a consistent increase in conversions, higher engagement rates, and a noticeable boost in ROAS, all while maintaining compliance with Meta’s ad policies.

We didn't just meet the goals; we exceeded them, demonstrating the power of a well-executed creative strategy in driving substantial business growth. The cohesive approach across multiple platforms, from dynamic videos to compelling static ads, solidified 4moms’ position in the market, making their brand more compelling to a wider audience.


Key Takeaways

Our strategies effectively magnify product launches, providing tailored support that maximizes each campaign’s impact.

Testing and refreshing creative content continuously is key to keeping campaigns dynamic and engaging, directly contributing to scaling success.

Using our comprehensive creative package promotes seamless integration across platforms, enhancing the effectiveness of every marketing asset.


Case Studies
