Klaviyo vs. Omnisend Ecommerce Comparisons



Oct 19, 2023


min read

In the ever-evolving world of ecommerce, staying ahead of the competition often boils down to harnessing the power of effective marketing tools. As businesses strive to reach their audience in a personalized and impactful manner, ecommerce marketing platforms become indispensable assets. Among the top contenders in this arena are Klaviyo and Omnisend. 

Klaviyo, with its dynamic approach to email marketing, has become a favorite among many ecommerce brands, striving to deliver more than just automated messages. On the other side, we have Omnisend, which has carved its niche with an omnichannel approach, integrating everything from emails to SMS and push notifications. 

Both platforms promise to enhance a brand's connection with its customers, but which one reigns supreme? 

In this article, we'll delve deep into the functionalities, user experiences, and overall offerings of both platforms, enabling you to make an informed decision based on your ecommerce needs. 

How Do Klaviyo and Omnisend Features Compare?

As two behemoths in this domain, Klaviyo and Omnisend offer a treasure trove of features designed to elevate the ecommerce experience. But how do they stack up against each other? 

Email Marketing Automation

Klaviyo and Omnisend both offer robust email marketing automation tools, but they approach this feature in slightly different ways. Klaviyo prides itself on its intricate and deep data-driven segmentation. This allows users to create highly tailored email flows and SMS messaging based on a variety of customer behaviors and triggers. The platform offers pre-built automations, which can be customized, making the setup process more straightforward for beginners.

Omnisend, while also providing powerful email automation, stands out with its omnichannel capabilities. Beyond emails, their automations can incorporate SMS, push notifications, and even social media messaging. The drag-and-drop visual automation editor makes it easy for users to visualize and set up complex workflows that span across different channels.

Segmentation and Targeting

Segmentation is where Klaviyo truly shines. It allows users to segment their audience based on an extensive range of metrics — from purchasing behavior to geolocation. This granular segmentation ensures that the right message reaches the right audience at the optimal time. With Klaviyo, you can also create segments with data from an extensive library of integrations, like Shopify.

Omnisend, on the other hand, also provides strong segmentation tools but with a broader omnichannel perspective. Its platform allows users to segment audiences based on their preferred communication channel, be it email, SMS, or others, ensuring a more tailored communication strategy.

SMS and Push Notifications

Omnisend's seamless integration of SMS with email campaigns allows businesses to create unified messaging campaigns. Furthermore, its ability to incorporate push notifications gives it a broader reach in terms of touchpoints with customers.

Reporting and Analytics

Both platforms provide in-depth analytics to gauge the performance of campaigns. Klaviyo offers detailed reporting on metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and revenue generated from campaigns. It also has the capability to track website behavior, giving businesses insights into their customers' journey.

Omnisend’s analytics, while comprehensive, has the added advantage of providing a unified view across all channels. This means businesses can assess the performance of their entire omnichannel strategy in one place, making it easier to spot trends and adjust strategies.


Both Klaviyo and Omnisend offer a plethora of integrations with popular ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce. Klaviyo's integration list is impressive, ensuring that businesses can seamlessly sync their data. Omnisend also boasts a broad range of integrations, emphasizing its omnichannel strategy by offering connections to platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

In conclusion, while both platforms offer a wealth of features, the choice between Klaviyo and Omnisend might come down to the specific needs and preferences of the ecommerce business in question. Whether it's deep data-driven segmentation or a holistic omnichannel approach, both platforms have unique strengths to consider.

What Are the Pricing Structures for Klaviyo and Omnisend?

In the competitive ecommerce landscape, understanding the cost implications of any tool or platform is crucial. Both Klaviyo and Omnisend have tailored their pricing structures to accommodate different sizes and types of businesses. Let’s break them down.


Klaviyo’s pricing is primarily based on the number of contacts in your list. As your contact list grows, so does the price. They offer a free tier for businesses just starting out, allowing up to 500 contacts and limited features. This is an attractive option for small ecommerce ventures. 

As you climb the tiers, more advanced features such as integrations, segmentation, and predictive analytics become available. Klaviyo is transparent about its pricing on its website, with a calculator to estimate monthly costs based on the number of contacts.


Omnisend's pricing structure is also segmented based on the number of subscribers. They offer a Free plan that includes basic email campaigns. Their Standard plan is the next step up, which includes SMS and some automation features. For businesses looking for a more comprehensive solution, the Pro and Enterprise plans offer advanced automation, segmentation, and priority support. 

One distinctive feature of Omnisend’s pricing is the inclusion of SMS credits in their Pro and Enterprise plans, which can be particularly cost-effective for brands investing heavily in SMS marketing.

What Is the User Experience and Interface Like for Klaviyo and Omnisend?

The usability of a platform often plays a decisive role in its adoption, especially when businesses need to swiftly navigate through features, create email marketing campaigns, or analyze results. Here's how Klaviyo and Omnisend stack up in terms of user experience and interface.


Klaviyo's dashboard is clean, intuitive, and modern. New users might face a slight learning curve given the depth of its features, but Klaviyo offers a guided setup and tooltips to ease this transition. The design emphasizes data visualization, ensuring metrics are easy to understand at a glance. 

The flow builder for email sequences, with its drag-and-dropfunctionality, simplifies the process of creating complex email campaigns. The main challenge some users face is the depth of customization available, which, while powerful, can be overwhelming initially.


Omnisend's user interface is equally sleek and focuses on simplicity. Its strength lies in presenting omnichannel marketing tools in an accessible manner. Like Klaviyo, Omnisend also offers a drag-and-drop editor, but its workflow visualization is slightly more linear, which some users find easier to navigate. 

The platform is designed to make the transition between different marketing channels (like email to SMS) seamless. New users often appreciate the platform's straightforwardness, which minimizes the learning curve.

How Do Klaviyo and Omnisend Handle Customer Support and Resources?

The quality and availability of customer support can be the deciding factor for many businesses, especially when the platform is integral to their marketing efforts. Let's examine the support structures of Klaviyo and Omnisend.


Klaviyo boasts a comprehensive knowledge base filled with articles, tutorials, and guides. Their support is available via email, and higher-tier plans also get access to live chat support. Webinars and training sessions are frequently organized to help users get the most out of the platform. However, some users have expressed wishes for more immediate phone support.


Omnisend also offers a detailed knowledge base complemented by video tutorials. Their support channels include email, live chat, and for premium plans, 24/7 priority support. Additionally, Omnisend takes a proactive approach with periodic check-ins to ensure users are leveraging the platform effectively.

Do Klaviyo and Omnisend Have User Testimonials and Case Studies?

The real test of a platform's efficacy often lies in the feedback from its users. Here's a brief overview of how Klaviyo and Omnisend fare based on user testimonials and documented case studies.


Users frequently commend Klaviyo for its advanced segmentation capabilities and deep analytics. Several ecommerce brands have showcased their success stories, highlighting significant growth in sales and enhanced customer engagement. However, a few users have pointed out its steep learning curve.


Omnisend receives praise for its seamless omnichannel integration and user-friendly interface. Case studies often highlight improved customer retention and increased ROI, especially from SMS campaigns. Some users wish for even more advanced email customization options.

Navigating the Ecommerce Marketing Odyssey

Ecommerce marketing, with its ever-evolving strategies, can sometimes feel like navigating a vast and unpredictable sea. In this odyssey, platforms like Klaviyo and Omnisend act as steadfast ships guiding businesses toward the shores of success. Both platforms, while having their unique strengths and quirks, have proven themselves invaluable to numerous brands.

Ultimately, the choice between Klaviyo and Omnisend should align with your business's unique vision, goals, and operational needs. Whether you prioritize deep data-driven insights or a unified omnichannel approach, it's crucial to remember that the best tool is the one that synergizes seamlessly with your brand's journey.

As you sail forward in the ecommerce waters, GR0 can help you make the most of your marketing budget, using the right tools and best practices to achieve your goals.


How to Get Started with Email Marketing in 6 Easy Steps | Semrush

The Real Cost of Email Marketing: Understanding Your Budget | CopyPress

10 Best E-commerce Email Marketing Strategies You Should Start Using Now | Neil Patel

Advanced segmentation reference | Klaviyo Help Center


Case Studies
