SEO Specialists: What Do They Do? Our Staff Weighs In



Sep 20, 2023


min read

In today's digital landscape, the battle for visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) is fiercer than ever. And at the forefront of this digital marketing frontier are SEO specialists. These experts hold the keys to ensuring your online content gets noticed. But what exactly does an SEO specialist do? 

Let’s take a dive into this comprehensive guide to discover the ins and outs of search engine optimization, the responsibilities of an SEO expert, and the skills needed to master this ever-evolving field.

What Is an SEO Specialist?

An SEO specialist is an individual skilled in optimizing websites to achieve better visibility in search engine results. Their main goal? Enhance organic traffic flow and elevate a website's rankings on platforms like Google and Bing. 

Jasmine Rojas, an SEO Campaign Manager at GR0, explains that an SEO specialist is: 

“Someone who helps businesses get on Google's good side! They help businesses grow their non-brand exposure by identifying how their target audience looks for their products. SEO specialists ensure websites follow SEO best practices and provide recommendations to improve a site's technical health.”

The responsibilities of these SEO experts can span a range of tasks, from on-page content optimization to off-page link building and from technical SEO to staying updated on the latest algorithm changes. 

“An SEO Specialist audits and identifies opportunities to optimize a site for organic search visibility. They are informed of the latest best practices and prioritize real results over vanity metrics.” - Bree Lenio, a GR0 SEO Campaign Manager

SEO specialists often work full-time within marketing agencies, though some operate on a freelance basis or within larger corporate marketing departments. While their role might vary slightly based on the organization's size or industry, the core objectives remain consistent: drive website traffic and ensure that traffic is relevant and engaged.

What Does an SEO Specialist Do?

The world of search engine optimization is vast, so SEO specialists may wear many hats or work with a team. 

“In my experience, an SEO Specialist conducts audits and research to identify technical roadblocks to a site’s organic success, does in-depth keyword research to identify high-intent content topics, implements backlink acquisition strategies, and finds other on-page optimization opportunities.” - Tyler Hewitt, a Senior SEO Campaign Manager

Perform Keyword Research

Delving into tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Search Console, specialists identify relevant keywords. This foundational step ensures that content, whether on a website or a marketing campaign, aligns with what the target audience is searching for.

This is about more than just the basic wording on your page. Keyword research may identify specific phrases or terms that are regularly asked on different platforms. By ensuring you have those terms on your site, or by writing content based around these terms, you become more likely to pull customers Googling those phrases. 

Craft Keyword Strategies

Simply identifying keywords isn't enough. An SEO expert crafts strategies around these terms, determining keyword density, placement, and integration into high-quality content. Long-dead are the days when you could copy and paste popular keywords at the bottom of your page and expect results. The best SEO specialists excel at making keyword strategies that can produce results.

Instead, the keywords need to be optimized and placed throughout your content to pull the right potential consumers to the right place. 

Analyze and Optimize Web Pages

Using tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and third-party tools like Ahrefs, specialists analyze web page performance. They then tweak aspects, from meta tags to internal links, ensuring each page is optimized for search engine indexing and user experience. 

“They do a lot of market research to understand how customers thinks about your product. They create strategies based on historical performance and competitor research to ensure the recommendations they are providing will benefit your overall campaign.” - Jasmine Rojas, SEO Campaign Manager

Just because a piece is finished doesn’t mean you are finished with that piece. Searchers are always evolving and understanding new things, and some information may become outdated or even false with the development of new technology. It’s important to constantly re-evaluate your information and adjust accordingly. 

Technical SEO

SEO isn’t just about creating high-quality content. The backend, or technical SEO, plays an equally vital role. This involves more intense techniques like modifying robots.txt, crawlability and indexability, and internal linking strategies. 

Tools such as the Google Search Console and Screaming Frog offer insights into how your site is being crawled and indexed. Highly analytical and detail-oriented specialists often find themselves gravitating toward the technical side. One of the most misunderstood and mysterious parts of SEO, specialists with these skills are in high demand. 

Interested in learning more? Check out our guide to technical SEO!

Manage Daily Client Communications

SEO managers often serve as the bridge between the client and the range of marketing professionals working on your SEO campaigns. They provide updates, explain strategies, and ensure that the client's vision and SEO best practices align. 

Let’s say you want to have a range of SEO-optimized content by GR0, a leader in the subject. Your SEO specialist will ensure that the voicing, ideas, and general focus of all content being produced is meeting your guidelines while also being the middle man for blog strategy, aligning with email marketing or social media campaigns, and much more for a true omnichannel marketing experience. 

Client Reporting

Transparency is key in SEO. Specialists regularly report on web analytics, such as metrics, campaign outcomes, and future strategies, ensuring clients are in the loop and confident in their SEO investments.

Stay Up to Date on SEO Trends and Industry Changes

The digital marketing landscape is ever-evolving. SEO professionals dedicate time to webinars, courses, and certifications to ensure their skill set remains at the industry's cutting edge. As your industry develops, so should your marketing strategy. 

One thing that makes SEO especially challenging is its dynamic nature. Search engines frequently update their algorithms to provide users with the best possible results. SEO specialists, therefore, need to stay up-to-date with these changes, adapting their strategies and know-how to ensure websites remain in the coveted top spots.

What Are the Characteristics of a Successful SEO Specialist?

Beyond the technical know-how, certain soft skills and characteristics make an SEO specialist truly stand out. 

“A successful SEO specialist is creative and flexible in how they approach any problem. They combine expert-level SEO knowledge with top-notch communication and project management skills.” - Cara Hayes, SEO Campaign Manager

Tying Everything Back to ROI

An effective SEO expert understands that every initiative should tie back to return on investment (ROI). They prioritize strategies that yield the most value, be it in website traffic, lead generation, or conversions.

Communication Skills

Clear and concise communication skills are indispensable. Whether they're explaining complex SEO strategies to clients or coordinating with a content marketing team, their ability to articulate ideas effectively is paramount.

“SEO Specialists work and communicate across multiple departments to ensure strategies are implemented correctly, so it’s important to be able to clearly communicate ideas with different teams.” - Tyler Hewitt, a Senior SEO Campaign Manager

Adaptability and Willingness To Learn

With algorithms and best practices constantly shifting, a successful SEO specialist is adaptable and ever-eager to learn. They're not afraid of change; instead, they embrace it.

“a successful SEO specialist thinks outside the box, is curious about and open to changes in the digital landscape.” - Bree Lenio, a GR0 SEO Campaign Manager

Leadership Skills

Often, SEO specialists lead teams or manage significant campaigns. Leadership skills, from delegation to strategic planning, are vital in these scenarios.

In a digital age where competition is rampant, the role of an SEO specialist has never been more critical. Their blend of technical proficiency, strategic insight, and adaptability ensures that businesses can navigate the tumultuous seas of online marketing and emerge victorious.

The Bottom Line

At its core, the role of an SEO specialist is about understanding the intersection of technology, marketing, and human behavior. They master the art and science of bringing websites to the forefront, ensuring that businesses get noticed amidst the vast digital landscape. But more than just visibility, their work drives engagement, conversions, and, ultimately, growth.

So, what do SEO specialists love about their jobs? Take it from GR0’s team:

“Working with different clients across various industries. Getting exposure to different industries keeps things interesting!” - Jasmine Rojas, SEO Campaign Manager

“My favorite thing is getting to work with such a wide variety of clients from different industries. It's so much fun to connect with so many driven and intelligent people.” - Cara Hayes, SEO Campaign Manager

If you're a business venturing into the online realm or seeking to amplify your digital marketing presence, an SEO specialist from the GR0 Digital Marketing Agency is your guiding star. They decode the intricacies of algorithms, dive deep into data, and craft strategies tailored to your unique needs. In a world that's increasingly digital, their expertise is not just desirable – it's indispensable.


SEO Starter Guide: The Basics | Google Search Central 

Off Page SEO: An In-Depth Guide | Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): How to Do It Right | WordStream

Keyword Search | University System of Georgia


Case Studies
