Our Expert Picks for Best Newsletter Software



Sep 18, 2023


min read

Navigating the expansive world of email marketing tools can be overwhelming. Whether you’re a budding blogger, an ecommerce store owner, or simply someone keen on keeping their subscribers in the loop, the right email newsletter software can amplify your communication. 

From user-friendly interfaces to advanced features tailored to specific needs, the range of options available can feel overwhelming. In this guide, we’re breaking down the best software tools for your newsletters, ensuring that your email campaigns not only reach the right inboxes, but also resonate with the right audience.

What Is an Email Newsletter?

An email newsletter is a potent tool for building and nurturing a relationship with your subscribers. Think of it as a regular update, dispatched right into the inboxes of those who've expressed interest in your content, be it a product, service, or merely thoughts shared on a blog. 

These digital letters can encompass a variety of content types, ranging from the latest product releases for ecommerce stores to monthly recaps for bloggers.

Why Are Email Newsletters Important?

Now, the quintessential question: Why are email newsletters pivotal? Email newsletters are a key part of any marketing strategy for a few reasons:

• Engagement and Conversions: Beyond mere communication, well-crafted newsletters can drive conversions. With optimized subject lines and interactive content, they pique curiosity and lead subscribers to your landing page or ecommerce platform.

• Personalization and Segmentation: One size doesn’t fit all in the realm of email marketing. A good email newsletter tool offers segmentation, enabling you to tailor content based on the preferences and behaviors of different subsets of your email list.

• Consistent Communication: Sending out regular newsletters ensures you remain top of mind for your subscribers. This consistent engagement aids in fostering trust and establishing authority in your domain.

• Integration with Other Platforms: The best email newsletter software often comes with integrations, syncing seamlessly with platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and WooCommerce. This symbiosis amplifies the functionality, making tasks like lead generation and tracking conversions a breeze.

• Advanced Features and Automation: From a/b testing to gauge the impact of different email content to automation workflows ensuring timely dispatch, the right software equips you with tools to streamline and optimize your email campaigns.

• Cost-Effective Marketing: When compared with other marketing strategies, email campaigns, especially when supported by a free plan from a noteworthy email marketing service, offer an impressive ROI. The blend of direct communication and metrics to track efficacy makes it a favored choice among small businesses and established enterprises alike.

Email newsletters are more than just messages; they are strategically designed communication funnels. They blend compelling email content with robust marketing features, ensuring that your audience doesn't just read, but also interacts and engages with what you have to offer. The choice of software, thus, becomes paramount. 

What Are the Best Newsletter Software Tools?

The digital landscape is filled with email marketing platforms, each boasting a set of features that cater to a diverse set of needs. From small businesses seeking straightforward solutions to ecommerce giants in need of extensive automation features, the perfect tool is out there. 

To help you navigate this vast domain, we’ve curated a list of the best email newsletter tools:

1. Klaviyo

Topping the list is Klaviyo, an advanced email marketing platform tailored for businesses aiming to create impactful email newsletters. Klaviyo features a variety of useful features:

• Segmentation: Klaviyo allows businesses to segment their audience based on purchase behavior, website activity, and demographics, ensuring the content is tailored to each recipient.

• Intuitive Visual Builder: Klaviyo's builder has a user-friendly interface where you can create emails without any need for coding. The drag-and-drop feature allows for easy customization of templates for visual appeal.

• Automated Workflows: Klaviyo's automation tools allow you to set up workflows that trigger based on specific user actions. This could include cart abandonment reminders and thank you notes post-purchase.

• Integrations: Klaviyo plays well with others, too — it integrates smoothly with popular platforms such as Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and more.

• Advanced Analytics: Klaviyo provides a deep dive into how subscribers interact with emails. This data-driven approach allows businesses to better understand their audience.

• Responsive Templates: Klaviyo's responsive templates help ensure that newsletters are optimized for viewing across screens of all sizes.

• A/B Testing: Klaviyo allows for rigorous A/B testing that helps you understand which strategies work best and allows you to optimize for performance in real time.

• Pricing: Klaviyo offers tiered pricing plans, including a free plan with a limited number of contacts and monthly sends. For support for more monthly sends and contacts, you’ll want to opt for a paid plan. 

2. HubSpot

Arguably one of the most robust platforms in the email marketing arena, HubSpot is more than just a newsletter software:

• Advanced Features: It offers an extensive suite of marketing automation tools, making it a top pick for businesses with expansive marketing campaigns.

• CRMIntegration:HubSpot stands out with its integrated CRM system, allowing seamless management of your contact list and providing real-timemetrics on subscriber engagement.

• User-friendly Editor: For beginners or those without HTML knowledge, HubSpot’s drag-and-drop email editor is a boon. Designing newsletters becomes an intuitive process, complemented by a library of email templates.

• Landing Page Builder:Lead generation is made effortless with HubSpot’s landing page tools, allowing businesses to craft compelling sign-up forms and pop-ups.

• Pricing: While HubSpot does offer a free plan, the advanced features and unlimited emails come with the paid plans.

3. Mailchimp

A popular name, even outside the email marketing circles, Mailchimp is known for its user-friendly interface and wide range of functionalities:

• Segmentation:Mailchimp excels in list segmentation, allowing businesses to target subscribers with pinpoint accuracy based on behavior, preferences, and previous email interactions.

• Automation Workflows: From welcome emails to abandoned cart reminders for ecommerce stores, Mailchimp’s automation features ensure timely and relevant communication.

• Newsletter Templates: A vast array of templates means that businesses, bloggers, and even ecommerce platforms can find a design that resonates with their brand.

• Integrations: Whether it's WordPress, Shopify, or any other ecommerce platform, Mailchimp's integrations make it versatile for a myriad of uses.

• Free Plan: For those just starting out or with a limited number of emails per month, Mailchimp’s free plan offers a generous starting point, though advanced features and larger email campaigns require one of their paid plans.

• A/B Testing: Perfect for those keen on optimization, Mailchimp’s A/B testing tools allow users to assess the impact of different subject lines, content, and send times.

4. Constant Contact

A stalwart in the email marketing domain, Constant Contact is renowned for its reliability and extensive features:

• Email Templates: With a plethora of newsletter templates, crafting the perfect email becomes a breeze, even for those without an eye for design.

• Ecommerce StoreIntegration: For ecommerce enthusiasts, Constant Contact offers tools specific to online retail, from abandoned cart emails to product recommendations based on user behavior.

• Event Management: A unique feature, this tool assists in managing and promoting events, making it a favorite among businesses hosting webinars and seminars.

• Social Media Tools: Seamlessly blending email and social campaigns, Constant Contact allows businesses to extend their reach beyond the inbox.

• Pricing: While it doesn’t boast a free plan, the platform does offer a trial period, post which users can opt for one of the paid plans based on their needs.

5. AWeber

A trusted name among many, AWeber has carved a niche for itself with its blend of features tailored for both beginners and pros:

• Drag-and-Drop Editor: Crafting emails is intuitive with AWeber’s editor, complemented by a library of HTML email templates.

• Autoresponders: This tool makes email campaigns efficient, dispatching messages based on triggers such as sign-ups or purchase confirmations.

• Integrations:AWeber syncs seamlessly with platforms like WordPress and Shopify, amplifying its functionality.

• Email Analytics: Keeping a tab on open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber actions becomes straightforward with AWeber’s detailed metrics.

• Pricing: While AWeber’s free plan caters to those with up to 500 subscribers, businesses with a larger email list would need to explore its paid plans.

6. GetResponse

A powerhouse in its own right, GetResponse offers a multitude of features suitable for both novices and seasoned email marketers:

• Landing Page Builder: Aside from email campaigns, GetResponse excels in helping businesses create optimized landing pages for lead generation.

• Webinars: A distinguishing feature, GetResponse allows businesses to host webinars, aiding in extended engagement and information dissemination.

• Email Templates: With an array of customizable templates, designing an eye-catching email is effortless.

• Marketing Automation: Advanced automation workflows enable businesses to design campaigns tailored to subscriber behavior and preferences.

• Pricing: While they do not have a perpetual free plan, their trial period gives businesses a comprehensive glimpse into their offerings before opting for a paid plan.

7. Moosend

Emerging as a formidable contender in the email marketing arena, Moosend brings to the table a suite of features that make email campaigns streamlined and effective:

• Drag-and-Drop Editor: Crafting professional-looking emails is a breeze with their intuitive editor.

• Advanced Segmentation: Targeting specific sections of your subscribers becomes simple with Moosend’s refined segmentation tools.

• Automation Workflows: Welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, or custom campaigns – Moosend’s automation features have it all.

• Free Plan: Their generous free plan caters to a good number of subscribers, making it a favorite among startups and small businesses.

• Integrations: Moosend’s capability to sync with popular platforms ensures seamless functionality across different tools.

8. Omnisend

Positioned primarily for ecommerce, Omnisend offers a suite of tools that make online retail marketing simplified and optimized:

• Multichannel Marketing: Beyond emails, Omnisend allows businesses to reach out via SMS, thus broadening their outreach.

• Automation Workflows: Their workflows are tailor-made for ecommerce, focusing on cart abandonment, product recommendations, and more.

• InteractiveEmail Content: From scratch cards to gift boxes, interactive content ensures higher engagement rates.

• Pricing: While their free plan is basic, the paid plans open doors to a plethora of advanced features suitable for thriving ecommerce platforms.

9. MailJet

A versatile solution, MailJet caters to a wide audience, from developers to marketers, making it a well-rounded choice:

• Transactional Emails: MailJet shines in the department of transactional emails, ensuring timely and reliable delivery.

• Email Design: With their drag-and-drop email builder, crafting aesthetically pleasing emails is straightforward.

• A/B Testing: Perfecting email campaigns is feasible with MailJet’s testing tools, ensuring optimized open rates and conversions.

• Pricing: Their tiered pricing structure ensures that both small businesses and large enterprises find a plan tailored to their needs.

10. Campaigner

A veteran in the field, Campaigner is known for its advanced features and reliable service:

• Detailed Segmentation: Dive deep into subscribersegmentation, ensuring personalized and relevant communication.

• Email Templates: With an extensive library, finding the right email design that resonates with your brand is easy.

• A/B Testing: Refine and optimize with their testing tools to ensure maximum impact.

• Advanced Reporting: Track and measure the efficacy of campaigns with detailed metrics and real-time reporting.

• Pricing: Although they don’t offer a free plan, the range of features provided in their paid plans ensures value for money.

11. MailerLite

MailerLite has grown significantly in popularity due to its simplicity and features tailored for those just delving into email marketing:

• User-Friendly Interface: Perfect for beginners, MailerLite offers an intuitive dashboard and straightforward tools.

• Newsletter Templates: With an array of customizable templates, crafting the right email becomes a seamless process.

• Landing Page Builder: Beyond emails, the platform assists users in creating optimized landing pages to boost conversions.

• Pricing: Its free plan is quite inclusive, but for more advanced features and a larger number of emails, one would need to consider their paid options.

12. SendInBlue

A holistic marketing platform, SendInBlue offers a blend of email campaigns, SMS messages, and more:

• Email & SMS Campaigns: Their multi-channel approach ensures you reach subscribers wherever they are.

• Automation Features: From transactional emails to marketing workflows, their automation tools are top-notch.

• Deliverability: Renowned for their high deliverability rates, ensuring your emails find their way to the subscriber’s inbox.

• Pricing: Their tiered pricing allows businesses of all sizes to find a plan that suits their needs, from free options to advanced packages.

The Bottom Line

Email marketing remains one of the most effective means of direct communication with your audience. The right email newsletter software can exponentially boost your engagement, conversions, and brand loyalty. By carefully assessing your needs and aligning them with the features of these platforms, you can craft campaigns that resonate, engage, and drive results.

Whether you're a startup on a tight budget, an ecommerce giant exploring advanced automation, or a blogger aiming to grow your audience, there’s a tool out there for you. Remember, it's not just about sending emails; it's about forging connections, nurturing relationships, and building a community of loyal subscribers.


What is newsletter marketing and why it's important for ecommerce | BigCommerce

Return on Investment (ROI): How to Calculate It and What It Means | Investopedia

Managing Abandoned Carts | Forbes

A Refresher on A/B Testing | Harvard


Case Studies
